June 2020

teaching kids resilience

Resilient child

Building resilience in children Resiliency is the ability to ‘bounce back’ from a difficult situation. A resilient person is able to: withstand adversity learn from their experiences cope confidently with life’s challenges. When psychologists talk
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Teenage relationships

teenage relationships
Teenage relationships The early teenage years see lots of changes – physical, emotional, cognitive and social. During this time, teenage

Adolescence development

adolescence development
Adolescence development Adolescence is the period of transition between childhood and adulthood. Adolescence is a time of big social changes,

Childhood stress

childhood stress
Childhood stress Stress is a function of the demands placed on you and your ability to meet them. These demands

Flu shot baby

infant flu shot
Infant flu shot The flu shot or influenza vaccine is safe for pregnant women and provides effective protection for you
safe co sleeping

Safe co sleeping

Baby co sleep in bed with parents Co-sleeping also called bed sharing, is when parents bring their babies into bed with them. However, the term ‘co-sleeping’ is broadly used to refer to children who sleep
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Breech baby

What is a breech baby Breech baby also called breech birth, means your baby is lying bottom-first or feet-first in