May 2020

lotus birth

Lotus birth

Lotus birth Lotus Birth is the practice of not cutting the umbilical cord and leaving the placenta attached to the newborn after its expulsion, but allowed instead to dry and fall off on its own,
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Postpartum recovery

Recovery after childbirth The postpartum period is commonly defined as the six weeks after childbirth. After your baby arrives, you'll

Picky eaters

picky eaters
Healthy food for picky eaters It’s normal for toddlers to be picky eaters – that is, to not like the

Baby head banging

baby head banging
Baby head banging Head banging is a behavior where children repeatedly hit their heads against their mattress, pillow, crib, headboard,

Congenital nevus

Congenital melanocytic nevus
Congenital nevus Congenital nevus is a type of birthmark that is essentially colored skin markings that develop before or shortly

Perineal tears

Perineal tears Perineal tear is a spontaneous (unintended) tear in the perineum, which is the area between the vagina and the rectum. Your perineum may tear naturally during vaginal childbirth, which strains the perineum. More
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Baby hair loss

infant hair loss
Baby hair loss Hair loss also called alopecia in children can be quite normal. Many babies are bald from birth,


What is gingivostomatitis Gingivostomatitis is a highly contagious infection of your mouth and gums that leads to swelling and sores.

Ringworm in babies

ringworm in babies
Ringworm in babies Ringworm also known as tinea corporis, is tinea infection of the surface (superficial) skin with a dermatophyte

Thrush in babies

thrush in newborn
Oral thrush in babies Oral thrush also known as oral candidiasis, oral moniliasis, “thrush” or oropharyngeal candidiasis, is a common