April 2020


Smith Lemli Opitz syndrome

Smith Lemli Opitz syndrome Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome is a variable genetic disorder (multiple congenital anomaly or intellectual disability syndrome) that affects many parts of the body caused by a defect in cholesterol synthesis ((Piscianz E, Vecchi
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Peutz Jeghers syndrome

Peutz Jeghers syndrome Peutz-Jeghers syndrome is a rare inherited disease that is characterized by the development of noncancerous growths called


What is omphalocele An omphalocele is also called exomphalos, is a birth defect in which an infant's intestine, liver and


What is leukodystrophy Leukodystrophies make up a group of rare heritable myelin disorders affecting the white matter of the central

Snoring in children

snoring in children
Snoring in children It’s common for children to snore when they have a cold, but frequent snoring in young children
Headaches in children

Headaches in children

Headaches in children Headaches are common in children and adolescents. A headache is a symptom of pain in the area of the head, face or neck. Headaches can happen once in a while. Or they
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Aphthous stomatitis

aphthous stomatitis
Aphthous stomatitis Aphthous stomatitis is a painful superficial oral ulcer that forms on the mucous membranes. Aphthous stomatitis are often

Newborn sleep patterns

newborn sleep patterns
Newborn sleep patterns Newborns usually sleep for around 16 hours in every 24 hours. Newborns usually sleep in short bursts through

Newborn reflexes

newborn reflexes
Newborn reflexes Baby reflexes are involuntary movements or actions. Some movements are spontaneous and occur as part of the baby's


What is encephalocele Encephaloceles are rare neural tube birth defects associated with skull defects characterized by partial lacking of bone